Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is my amaryllis dying or going into dormancy?

I bought it in November and I planted it, then it bloomed December. Now all the leaves are turning white and drying up. And I water it regularly. What should I do?

Is my amaryllis dying or going into dormancy?
'tis the season. The leaves are dying back and the energy is going back into the bulb. Afterwards, you can trim away the dead tops and keep the bulb in a cool dry place over the summer. You'll be able to plant it again come autumn.

The Muse :)
Reply:The pre-planted Amaryllis gift boxes normally take no more initial effort than simply watering them with room temperature water to bring them into growth. Avoid getting water on the nose of the bulb. Keep the potting medium moist, but not wet. Don't over-water! The plant should be kept in a brightly lighted area at about 70-75 degrees f. After the plant begins to grow, feeding is essential. Either use a complete slow- release fertilizer which lasts several months, or a water soluble fertilizer twice a month. Once the plant is flowering, keep it out of direct sunlight, and slightly cooler to promote a longer flower life. After all flowers fade, cut them off at the top of the stalk. When the stalk begins to sag, carefully cut it off just above the bulb nose. Continue to water and fertilize as normal, until the leaves begin to yellow. At this time, cut the leaves back to about 2 inches from the top of the bulb and remove it from the pot. Keep the bulb in a cool (40-50 degree f), dark place for a minimum of 6-8 weeks.

Plant bulbs 8 weeks before you would like them to bloom.

Any time after that, you may repot the bulb, and begin the process over again. Bulbs may be planted at two week intervals, from September through February to ensure non-stop winter bloom, until May.

Plant in a well-drained, sterile potting medium, using a standard 6-inch diameter pot. Be sure that the pot has adequate drainage holes. Plant the bulb, with about one-third being above the rim of the pot. Press the soil down firmly to set the bulb securely in place. Water thoroughly, and your plant will begin anew.
Reply:Those bulbs are sensitive to over watering. Don't water if the soil is moist. If the bulb itself is still "firm" and not getting mushy, it's still good. I would keep it in a sunny window, and give it a little fertilizer once a month. After danger of frost is past, you can plant it outside, or take the whole pot outside. Late summer, stop watering it, and put it someplace cool and dark. Bring it out again in november or december, and if luck, it should bloom again.

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